Sunday, June 29, 2008

食品展销會/ iFoodex 2008, PISA Penang

號稱全馬最大的食品展銷會 iFoodex 2008 來了. 又是讓我免費試吃, 大嚐各式美食的時候了!

iFoodex 食品展销會都在每年的六月或七月份在PISA進行. 此展銷會不只是提供了一個平台給食品商展銷他們的食品,食品商也可在此尋求合作夥伴或代理. 除此之外, 也讓消費者對其食品多一份了解. 展銷會同時, 也有一些烹飪講義及娛兴表演.

對我而言,能免費嚐試不同的食品最為開心. 不論吃的或喝的,格式各樣. 當然不是每一樣的口味都和心意. 哎呀,反正不用錢,嚐嚐無妨! :)

在此同時也有廚師挑戰賽. 挑戰者來自世界各地. 我去的當時正比賽著開胃菜餚(appetizer). 廚師們個展廚技,細心調配. 挑戰者的作品可說是花枝招展,色彩繽紛. 可惜我不是評判,只有眼福沒有口福.可惜可惜!

iFoodex 2008 returned again to penang PISA. Of course I didn't miss a chance to taste many kind of food here since it is free to taste..hehe..

IFoodex is Malaysia's Largest Consumer Food Exhibition. It is an event hold on June or July every year in penang. There is flat for exhibitor to promote their products and also looking for partner to expand their business. At here, your can taste many kind of food whether it is from locals or international.

Besides that, there is Penang Chefs Challenge. Master chefs from around the world competing in here. They competed appetizer when i was there. you can see how creative the chefs crafted their works. However I have no chance to taste on it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

中正紀念堂/Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

零七年九月二十三日晨. 有點遺憾. 由於中正紀念堂正進行維修,小弟只能在外欣賞它的美. 我和旭旺在此地只待一會兒便離去.但值得庆幸的是牌樓上的牌匾題字"大中至正"當時還沒被拆除. 因在陳水扁總統"去蒋化"的政策下,牌匾題字"大中至正"已在同年的十二月七日被除下,由"自由廣場"取而代之.

臺北捷運:板南線- 中正紀念堂站

There was disappointment when I visited CKS Memorial Hall as the renovation work was in progress. So I was no chance to get in the hall. As the mission of nullify CKS having by past-president Chen Sui-Bian, the CKS Memorial Hall has been renamed to National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall and the inscription of the gate also has been changed.

How to go?
The MRT Blue Line, stops at Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall

誠品信義旗艦店/Eslite's Flagship Bookstore, Xinyi District

零七年九月二十三日午, 來到誠品信義旗艦店. 此店於06年正式開幕. 這號稱亞洲規模最大的書店, 單看外觀就知道它有多大. 誠品信義旗艦店是誠品書店分店之一.它在台灣有超過五十間分店, 屬台灣大型連鎖書店之一.

誠品信義旗艦店的書店都集中在2至4樓. 可想而知, 3層樓的書何其多. 無論是種類或語言, 應有盡有. 其它層樓賣的有年輕流行商品(B1),美食(B2),誠品文化及主題餐廳區(6樓)等. 另外也有各種的專櫃, 貨品千奇百怪.

在這麼大的書店里, 我一本書也沒買, 但且買了我最愛的五月天CD及立體拼圖.

除了誠品信義旗艦店, 信義區有很多購物中心, 有著名的五分埔平價成衣市場,NewYork NewYork, 新光三越-信義新天地及台北101.

星期日 - 星期四 10:00~24:00
星期五 - 星期六 10:00~02:00


Eslite's Flagship Bookstore is located at Xinyi District, taipei city. it is the bigest bookstore in Asia. Eslite's Bookstore is the largest bookstore chains in Taiwan. the building with six stories above ground and two basement floors.

for the bookstore, it is from the second to the fifth floors, with fifth floor is exclusively designed for children. The bookstore houses over 300,000 titles and more than a million books, covering publications in many languague such as Mandarin, English and Japanese. Others floors have food court(B2) and popularity merchandise stores(B1).

However, I didn't buy any book instead I bought a CD - MayDay: Born in Love, and also 3D jigsaw puzzle.

Opening Time
Sun - Thu 10:00~24:00
Fri - Sat 10:00~02:00

How to go?
The MRT Blue Line, stops at Taipei City Hall

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

國立國父紀念館/Memorial Hall

國父紀念館外觀/The exterior of Memorial Hall

零七年九月二十三日晨, 北台灣之旅首站 - 國立國父紀念館. 它位於臺北市信義區的仁愛路. 在館的前方有座小花園. 而在館和花園之間, 你會看見有許多鴿子. 小孩在追逐鴿子嬉戲或餵鴿子;阿公阿嬤逛花園. 在館的四周走廊都有一些團體活動, 有舞蹈、武術等. 那天有個少林師傅在授課;漂亮美眉們在習舞. 或許是這樣, 讓整個走廊充滿熱鬧與活力.

走進館內大廳,你可以看見國父孫先生的銅像.銅像前方由國軍儀隊站崗保衛,每小時執行衛兵交接儀式. 儀式進行時, 遊客大夥都圍觀欣賞. 或許這也是光觀的賣點. 儀式莊嚴, 操步声、耍槍声響亮有條理. 很想知道保衛站崗一小時會不會累? 手要持槍站者不動. 真是佩服他們的專業. 如果蚊子叮可不可以動/搔癢? :)

國父銅像/The statue of Sun Yat-sen

紀念館的兩側都有展覽聽.左聽是以國父為主題;展覽有關國父的奮戰史及他生前用的物品. 右聽是以台灣為主題;展覽有關台灣的史蹟及文化. 兩聽的導遊都很好,在旁給我講解說明讓我對台灣多了一份了解.


The National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is located in Taipei city. Here is my first travel spot in North Taiwan.

When you step into main hall, you can see the statue of Sun Yat-sen infront of you. beside the statue, there is guards standing there. Every hour, there is a formal changing of the guards which is a common tourist attraction.

衛兵交接儀式/Formal Changing of the Guards

Beside the main hall, there is two side hall. For the left, there is a place shows historical relics of Dr. Sun's life and lead in the revolution. For the right, there is a place shows the taiwan historical artifacts

How to go?
The MRT Blue Line, stops at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kung Fu Panda 功夫熊貓

This is N times i watched animation movie but it is first time I watched animation movie with Cantonese dubbed. thumbs-up!! Maybe that is because I understood the screen without seeing the subtitle..haha..shiok!!

Kung Fu Panda is produced by DreamWorks. The movie narrated the Panda, Po unexpectedly chosen to become Kung Fu master and how he makes it from his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.

The Cantonese dubbed was preferred as the joke and the ways they talk is jocularity. In Penang, you can only watch Cantonese dubbed at Gurney GSC


熊猫阿宝 - 陈奕迅
灵猴 - 成龙
仙鹤大师 - 房祖名
飞虎女 - 何韵诗
毒蛇大师 - 何超仪
猛螳螂大师 - 李灿琛

I am back 我來啦!!

wa hoo!! Never thought before that i had started blogged since last 3 years. never thought that I so IN that time. I'm back to blogger world after 2 year. so high now...since it is popular now..i should post everyday to show I'm on train now... 不管未來多艱辛, 都把有的沒的好的壞的有用的廢的通通張貼在這裡...哈哈哈.