Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Incredible Hulk / 无敌浩克

July 2, 2008. Went to watch The Incredible Hulk with my super junior.
The movie narrated genius scientist Dr. Bruce Banner cures himself to kill gamma-radiotion from his body cells which is cause him turn into the gaint green monster - the Hulk when he is angry, stressed and excited. whilst he seeks a cure to his unique condition, he has to run from military which seeks his capture. However, when he close to a cure, the other duplicate monster has been created - The Abomination. At the time, Banner has to make an agonozing final choice - accept a peaceful life as Bruce Banner or the creature he could permanently become The Incredible Hulk.
Part of movie captured at Rocinha of Rio de Janeiro, Spain. there is the large poor region of Spain. I can't imagine their living life with so high density and narrow. Below picture is grabbed from wikipedia.

故事講述科學家dr. Bruce Banner絕望的尋找能治療他那被γ-輻射毒害細胞的療法以便解除蘊藏在体內,不受約束的另一個自己 - 綠巨人.在治療過程中過關斬將及要逃避欲逮捕他,利用他的异能之軍方. 當在治療上有所大突破時, 且複製了另一個有同樣破壞力的异人 - "憎恨". 此時,大要痊癒的dr. Bruce Banner面對了人生苦惱的結擇 - 從新回到普通科學家的生活或繼續背負著那一直隱藏在體內的綠色生物?

除了故事及拍攝好外,我對取景地點- Rio de Janeiro的貧民區Rocinha極為好奇. 如此壯觀的貧民區, 我很難想像他們的日常生活. 它的擁擠,繁密會否讓人喘不到气?下圖是取自於wikipedia.

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