Tuesday, July 22, 2008

中華民國總統府/The Presidential Office Building

零七年九月二十三日上午. 從中正紀念堂沿著凱達格蘭大道走到這裡-總統府.我沒進去,也不知道可不可以進去參觀.我只知道除了守衛直崗外,還有很多戴著墨鏡及鸭子帽的便衣保衛看守在總統府外.
總統府竣工於1919年, 是台灣最高權力中心. 在日治時期為總督府至到1945年遭到美軍轟炸,部分建築物被炸燬. 戰後重修, 1948年恢復. 隨著1950年總統蔣中正先生進駐之後,此建築物就當然成為名義上的中華民國總統府.

更多有關於此建築物的資料, 請查詢Wikipedia.

臺北捷運:板紅線(淡水線)- 台大醫院車站

The Presidential Office Building completed built in year 1919 when the time in japanese colonial period.
The building was the Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan at that time. untill year 1945, damaged in Allied bombing during World War II. The building was restored after the war and it became the presidential office in 1950 which was Chiang Kai-shek president moved in.For more details about this building you can refer to Wikipedia

How to go?
The MRT Red Line, stops at NTU Hospital

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